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Want to help? Get Involved

Make your views known to your TD and to Ministers Noonan and Ryan.
Join the No Planet B Campaign
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Sending your views to your TDs and to Ministers is important.

Your Help is Truly Appreciated

We all know that biodiversity and the  climate are in crisis. Indeed the Oireachtas declared a climate and biodiversity emergency in 2019. The Citizens Assembly published its report in April 2023. The EU has a new Nature Restoration Regulation which requires us to designate space for nature restoration. But what is being done? One very obvious solution is to save and restore our remaining bogs. The evidence is clear. The science is unequivocal. So write to  your TD and say you support the National Peatlands Park. This could help save the endangered water birds such as the Lapwing, rare butterflies and Orchids.    THANK YOU for your interest and support so far!

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